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Are you ready to become a leader? Be part of our MBA After Work Event!

To lead others, people should know the answer to the question of why anyone should follow them. These insights can then be used in strong motivational messages tailored to respective audiences. What are the basics of human motivation and how can they authentically be reached out to in order to better understand what motivates them? How can one contribute through personal involvement and leadership to create a better organization? Making adequate business decisions often requires managers to change processes within the organization.

However, leadership courses commonly over-emphasize the manager's ability to lead change. To manage organizations effectively, you must understand the interrelations and effects of human interaction as well as their personal motivation and leadership philosophy.

Sign up now for our MBA After Work Event “How to communicate as a leader” on April 28th at 17:00-18:00 CEST via Zoom Webinar!
Dive into a mini class on leadership by Prof. Dr. Niels von Quaquebeke and get an introduction to KLU´s MBA in Leadership and Supply Chain Management.

Kühne Logistics University – Wissenschaftliche Hochschule für Logistik und Unternehmensführung (KLU) – is a private university located in Hamburg’s HafenCity. The independent, state-certified university’s major research areas are Sustainability, Digital Transformation and Value Creation in the fields of Transport, Global Logistics, and Supply Chain Management.


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