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Making a transformative Difference / Becoming a Critical “Change-Maker”

This Master in “Social TransFormation: Politics, Philosophy and Economics” invites you to learn about how (civic-)society and economics functions and how it can be transformed!
Systematically informed by philosophy, this program explores existing and possible political and economic systems and practices in a critical fashion. 
With its heterodox and pluralist approaches towards business and economics, taking social and cultural perspectives as well as cross-disciplinary orientation it allows a comprehensive understanding about what is needed to transform and how to go about doing it.
Accordingly, studying this program will enable you to creatively re-imagine and re-organise practically the world you want to help build. 
Correspondingly, each module is strategically designed to help you to become increasingly knowledgeable and constructively critical about existing economic and socio-political conditions and specific powers in place. 
Parallel to the key modules, you can choose between different specializations ranging from for instance from "globalization, governance and trade" to "urban sustainability". 
By studying this MA you will become capable in using conceptual and practical understanding and tools for operating as an effective agent of change that makes a genuine transformative difference in the world. 
Here are more details about the program.

Our profile

Karlshochschule is a state-recognized, and award-winning private university in Karlsruhe, Germany. We place special emphasis on and live by values such as sustainability, global justice, interculturality and diversity. We offer alternative ways of thinking and teaching in the fields of business, politics, and psychology. We see ourselves as an international and intercultural hub for collaboration and experience. With our interactive and (co-)creative approach to teaching and learning, we not only offer a sound academic university education, but also focus on the critical thinking and personal development of our students. After all, only those who take on and live responsibility in their management and in society can really make a difference. We stand for a new, holistic way of (re-)thinking and being in the world.  ….
Ongoing application for the Winter Semester.


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